Friday, October 08, 2004

In more ways than one.


How is it that it invokes a feeling of well-being when eaten? Is there some deep-seeded hunger that is only sated by chocolate? How is it that other types of confections and sweets don't have the same psychological oomph that chocolate does?

Ever wonder why the most successful candy bars have chocolate involved in them somehow? I don't. Think about it: Oreos. M&Ms. Baby Ruth. Butterfinger. What do they all have in common? Chocolate. That, and the inordinate ability to make you gain more weight then they actually weigh, but that's not important right now.

I was reading another blog, where the blogger mentioned that a birthday wasn't a birthday without chocolate cake. Notice what they did not say. They did not say a birthday isn't a birthday without cake. No. It was specifically chocolate cake that made a birthday a birthday.


-D out.

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