Thursday, March 16, 2006


So, I think I figured out something about myself. I like buying things from vending machines. I like buying things from vending machines simply for the sake of buying something from a vending machine. Let me break that down.

I got into work today, and I had a ten-spot from the last time I went grocery shopping. I normally don't carry cash on me, but I'll need to do laundry sometime soon, and before I can load money onto my laundry card, I need money. So, I asked if anyone had change for a ten. My supervisor gave me ten ones, and I immediately bought a soda with one of them. Now, I wasn't particularly thirsty at the time, but buying a soda was almost automatic. Have dollar, in proximity to a vending machine; no longer have dollar, but now a soda. I thought that was
kind of odd, but now I'm sitting here thinking about what I'm going to do for lunch. I'm trying (I repeat: trying) to give up fast food (read: Carl's Jr.) for lunch, because it's expensive and not really good for me. Now, in the vending machine here at work, there's a package of ramen that comein those Styrofoam cups. You fill the cup with hot water and let sit until the noodles and what they're passing off as vegetables soak up the water and become marginally soft enough
to eat. Now, I'm not really big on ramen, given that was mostly what I ate during college and the non-college college years, so my taste for it has been sated. I've had the stuff from the vending machine before and haven't been impressed with it. The noodles aren't too great, the "vegetables" are a bit stale and the broth always comes across as being too thin. (I love a good broth.) So, I have no reason to go and partake of the almost nutritious Cup-O'-Sodium. But right now, I really want to go get me some of that because I have a dollar, and it is right there. Now, I am a bit hungry, but still, that's not enough of a reason to buy something I don't really like to begin with. I think my reasoning behind getting anything right now would be because I like buying stuff from vending machines.

Either that, or I like puting money into boxes and then pushing buttons. Come to think of it, that would explain why I like arcades so much.

I am so weird.

-D out.

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