Monday, October 23, 2006

Ewww. Thought.

Right. I'm currently reading a book called By the Sword, a book about the history of swords, swordfighting, and the people who use swords for swordfights. Several of these people who mastered the sword and the duel (or the art of fencing in later chapters) were also masters of several languages at once, experts at games like chess and the Japanese game go, well traveled, hugely successful buisness men, etc., etc.

It got me thinking. The only thing seperating me from them is how I spend my leisure time, which sadly to say, is not by learning a new language, or playing chess a lot, traveling the world, stabbing people with pointy things, or anything remotely worthwhile like that.

Now of course, this is where I'd usually say something profound and avoid the question of self-improvement altogether. But, I keep realizing there is all this stuff I want to do, but I would rather play games that I've already mastered, or have no interest in. Yeah, I do stuff that bores me or makes me fustrated, cause it's a lot easier than trying to improve myself. But no more. After I finish the current game I'm working on (I do need to finish, if I don't, I'll go back to it eventually), I'm selling my 360 and finding something more worthwhile to do with my time, like feed the homeless or take up a martial art again.

-D out.

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