Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The joys of microsleep.

Thanks to work not being busy, and the fact that I sit in a secluded part of the office where no one ever goes, I've found myself nodding off more and more often. Usually, it's only for a minute at most. However, it seems as if my subconscious is ready to bombard me with some of the most bizarre stuff as soon as my eyelids get heavy. Katamari Damacy, my girlfriend, and Shadowrun all seem to be the topics of the day. Thing is, it (the mini-dream) makes perfect sense while I'm dozing, but as soon as I return to the realm of the conscious, I can't make heads or tails of it. Sad thing is that I'm getting paid for this. It's sad, but that's another post altogether.

-D out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry, I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes. But just think now you get to look forward to doing it to me. I love you!!! She has my email, if she wants she can call me too, she does have new number too. I am so not getting off on a tanget about the whole new number thing. If she lost it or one of the munchkins ate it you can go ahead and give it to her. Have you read my most recent post?