Thursday, March 17, 2005

Survived? Contended? Apprenticed? Idolized? What?

So, I don’t watch TV anymore.  When I moved into the place I’m in now, I set up my TV, but never got a set of rabbit ears for it.

Which is fine, as I don’t miss it much.  So I’m behind on who did what to who on what show.  Whatever.  I was never really big on TV in the first place, so it’s not much of a loss.  It’s like losing a little toe.  It’s weird at first, but soon enough, you don’t miss it.  Sure, I’m left out of the conversations at the water cooler at work, but talking about TV is like admitting that you have nothing interesting to say in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong.  I still play video games and watch the occasional movie, but network and cable are not options at my pad.  Frankly, I’m better off without it.  No media spin to keep me up at night, and no commercials telling me how my life isn’t complete yet.  I see it this way:  My life isn’t complete until I die, and I’m not really scared of death.

So take that, Mr Corporate Advertising Executive.  Your thirty second mind games have no affect on me!


-D out.

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