I'm sure everyone who has ears or eyes and was in ear/eye shot of a radio/tv knows what happened in London this last week. I'm also equally sure that most people aren't aware of what my sister-in-law went through on Saturday. To me, these two events are connected, but in a different sort of way.
To sum up, my sis was taken to the hospital as her pregnancy was getting complicated. From what I understand, the baby wanted out NOW and was not going to take no for an answer. Problem is that the kid still has three months left to cook before it's all over. So, before transit from a hospital to a specialist's office, my brother was told it was very possible that the baby would be born that night. He told me later that he was hoping that the child and his wife could hold on for another week. When they arrived at the specialist, everything checked out fine, and there is, as of the time of this posting, no baby birth.
Now, when I first heard about the terror attacks in London, I wasn't affected too much. I don't know anyone in London, and while it saddens me that people can take human lives so indifferently, I didn't think much about it. I think it's fair enough to call me apathetic to the situation, or at least calloused enough to where I'm not surprised that it happened.
What digs me is that I had a similar feeling after hearing about my sister in law. Now, my situation emotionally is much different from what happened in London. I'm certainly not apathetic to my brother and his wife. I love them both dearly, and while I haven't thought much about being an uncle, I am excited for them. So why the lack of feeling? It's not because I don't care, I'm sure of that. I'd like to think that I trust God so implicitly with the things in my life that I don't worry about stuff. Nice theory, but does it work in practice?
Whenever I hear about stuff going on in the world (i.e., London bombings, war in Iraq, war vs. terror, etc., etc.) I keep thinking of the following:
"You will hear of wars, and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Mat. 24:6 NIV)
When it comes to people I know, I keep thinking such:
"But what's good and bad,
flow from the hands,
of the God with the perfect plan.
Filling us with joy, all of this will glorify." (Beautiful Song, FIF)
As to which it is that feeds my imperturbation, faith or apathy, I'm still not sure. But, eh, I'm not going to sweat it.
That was a joke.
-D out.
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