Saturday, May 21, 2005

Exhale, exhale, exhale.

I finally figured something out about myself that I think was a long time coming. You see, I've never really been able to excel at anything, and I know why. At an early age, I was reading well above my age level, and it was obvious (at least to me anyways) that I was much smarter than
kids my own age. Do you see where this is going? From an early age, I was told I was smart, and that I could accomplish anything. And honestly, I had the smarts and the ability to do so. I'm sure I could have even had a career as an athlete, if I had put the training necessary into it. Here's where it all went awry. I figured that my innate ability was enough by itself. I didn't need to go to school, or practice anything. I just always assumed I'd succeed at anything I wanted to, from the outset, without having to try. So, imagine my surprise when I couldn't ride a skateboard, much less pull off any freaky trick you see on the X-Games. And when I sat down at a poker table, thinking I'd run everyone out of their shorts? Yeah. They read me like a bad Tom Clancy novel. I don't think I need to relate my experiences cooking.

Is it too late for me to change? Can I pick myself up, dust myself off, get on with my life and finally accomplish something more that getting by? Or have I been too cowed by my first failures that I'm content to stagnate, while all the while beating myself about the head, wondering why I haven't gone anywhere? Hmm.

-D out.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I SO know what you're talking about, Dan... in the smallest sense of what you shared in this blog entry, we had 'similar' childhoods. I really don't think it's too late, though. Maybe that's b/c innately I am an optimist and my very nature doesn't permit me to believe that, but more likely it's b/c I see people every day prove that it isn't too late. But perhaps my optimism seeks out more examples of this than otherwise. 'Eeeeee'.. (revolving door propelled by 'minnie me') Circularity is fun