Tuesday, June 13, 2006

If only I had a chainsaw...

It's hard to imagine what I would ask the Wizard of Oz for. The answer lies somewhere between a plate of cookies and my own flamethrower. However, there are a few things that I would really ask for if I met the wizard RIGHT NOW.

  1. You know the guys who hang out outside the library and ask you if you're a registered voter, and when you tell them no, they ask if you want to register to vote because they want you to sign some petition? I'd find them better jobs. Specifically, jobs that don't involve annoying me while I go to check my e-mail.
  2. That everyone who comes to use the computers at the library had affordable, dependable child care. I'm not saying that I hate the lady who brought her three kids to the library while she surfs the internet. It's not that I'm angry that she's letting them run free while she does so. I just want a place where she can feel she can leave her children and not have to worry about them. You know, a place away from me. Preferably dark, soundproof, and full of things that slither, creep, crawl or skitter.
  3. A personal sun shade that completely blocked the user from all the things that come from the sun that suck. Namely, radiation and heat. I'd keep the light, though. (But light is radiation, I hear you say. Well, shut up.)
  4. Gwar tickets. It's not that I like Gwar, I've never really listened to them, but I think they would have immeasurable "cool" value.

Now of course, the things I would really ask for would change with time. Tomorrow I may want a self-powered, self-supplied, self-contained burrito maker, but that's just me.

-D out.